Linko_o loves dreaming , so it's not a surprise to anyone if this facebook page has affected us immediately.
Professional Timetravelers and Daydreamers has an incredible selection of images, full of colors - as you can see from those that we have posted here - pushing us into a world of dreams.
We also enjoyed the admin’s availability,Dalida, who lives in Greece and has replied to some of our questions:
- How long does exist your beautiful page?
My page is almost 6 months
- Can you explain us the choice of this name for your page?
I chose this name because I am a Professional Timetraveler and Daydreamer believe it or not
- Where do you find your pics and what kind of choice makes you choose them for your page?
I am searching a lot in web, I follow some artists too, and I prefer those who can pass a message....
- What do you think is "The Best Picture" you've posted and why?
The best picture is the one on my profile...full of shows my love for the nature too.
- Do you deal other pages?
No just this one
Click on the pictures and you will be redirected straight to page.